Saturday, October 1, 2011

Red and Zebra print =)

weeks before the fashion couture i was wondering about when i was looking for the
green and violet striped fabric(GVstripes)around Divisoria in owners
kept on showing me some fabrics which is not relevant to what i was looking for.
one of these fabrics were the zebra print..

this is a blazer with the combinations of red and the black and white zebra print.

on my next post i will show my partner's designs for the fashion couture.

hands and imagination at work

these are my four entries to the Cirque Couture fashion show which is only one of these has been
picked by people's choice of color and relevance to the show's theme, CIRCUS!

GVstripes, these is actually what i wanted to be made but because of the fabric which i cannot find
in any stores around manila, this design has been dismissed! aww so sad.
pants n' bolero
combination of matador suit and a lion tamer! with a lil twist.
this design is inspired from the queen of hearts in walt disney's animated movie Alice In WonderLand. only that it looks heavy to wear?